Saturday, December 29, 2007

Roll on 2008

Well I've just got back from an extremely wonderful Christmas in Joburg.
One of the only downsides of living in CT is that most of my childhood friends and family are still up in Joburg, though I am trying to get them to move down here.
Trips to Joburg are usually insanely busy running around trying to squeeze in hundreds of meetings and business related crap - but this time around there was nothing at all to do except chil and hang out with family and friends.
The most seriously chilled 8 days I've had in a long time.

Of course the second I got back the panic hit - stories to read, acceptance/rejection letters to send out, artists to contact.... no rest for the wicked, hee hee.

But for today - repack magazine shelf, read some more of Alastair Reynold's Redemption Ark and probably do a little bit of Wicked admin.

Thanks again to all of you who have supported us through the last year - it has been amazing, and hard, and educational and fun.
2008 is gonna bring some changes the concept and distribution of Something Wicked - finances have finally necessitated serious action - and action there will be.
But for now, it's business as usual and I'd better get back to work.

I'll leave you with a picture of a disgruntled Sam, or Samta Claws :o)

Till later...