Monday, March 31, 2008

Stupid Questions - A Rant

Okay so it's been a while since last I wrote in here but we've been incredibly busy trying to rework and remodel Something Wicked.

As you know we came in a little behind schedule with Issue 6 due to late payments but we're setting up new systems that will hopefully allow us to get SW running smoothly from now on.

Now the title of this blogpost is Stupid Questions and to be honest I've been meaning to get round to this for some time.

Dear Writers
There is a website called on it there really is quite a lot of information.
It has taken us quite a long time to put that information on the website. The reason we have that information available on our website is not, as some of you may believe, so that we can bring up the page and go, "oh cool, my words are on a screen," but so that you, the writers, can easily access answers to your most common questions.
Simple things like, "where do we send our submissions" can be found on the website. "How long should our stories be?" - answer... on the website.
"Can I send you a sort-story that is about a dog that eats his owner?" - use your imagination, is it horror? Then chances are you can.

Honestly it drives us crazy, and sucks up a lot of time, to constantly have to answer questions whose answers are freely available on the website.
More importantly it doesn't really put the author in a good light.
Bottom line; if you can't read, there is a very good chance you can't write.

Some simple guidelines:
If at all possible, it is considered good manners, not to mention good research, to have read at least one issue of Something Wicked before you submit a story to us. South African writers can pick one up at CNA, or Outer Limits for 30 bucks, or better yet you can buy it from us for R25 and it is delivered free to you. International writers can buy an eVersion through
This is what freelance writers do - they research a market and then they submit to it.
If you have never picked up a copy of the magazine, or if the closest you've come is reading a flyer you picked up, then at least have the decency to check out the website.
We have Contributor's Guidelines available that let you know exactly what we like and don't like to receive.
There are also examples of the type of stories and artwork we publish. There are even examples of the kind of bios we publish.
It's all on the website, folks, that's why the website exists - we didn't build it 'cause we had some spare time on our hands and thought it might look pretty!
Read The Guidelines - it will help you, it will help us. It will definitely get you to the top of the slush pile. It really isn't hard to do.

So...rant over.
Go forth and write.