Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Oh So Cold...

Well Winter seems to be here for real.
We've all had temperatures drop like a stone in SA in the last week but, as South Africans, we always hold on to the belief that it's just a "cold snap" and that everything will be back to normal soon enough.
It's a strange quirk of South Africans, we never fully admit that it has gotten cold. Most of us will walk around freezing in T-shirts while refusing to deal with the onset of Winter. We spend weeks saying things like "it'll pass in a few days". We're the most unprepared nation when it comes to cold, though with temperatures dropping to -3 a couple of weeks ago things did get a little too cold.

Joburg Two Weeks Ago

It's not unique to us though, I've seen the Brits do it to, but in reverse. I've spent weeks in London with temperatures soaring into the upper 30's (centigrade) and the moment there is half-an-hour of rain the Brits are hanging their heads and going, "Well, that's it for Summer, another miserable year".

Well thank God the "cold snap" was partly over last week as I had to go up to Joburg for a commercial shoot - a night shoot.
Two nights in a petrol station working from 4pm til 6am. Now that wasn't fun.
Well... I say that wasn't fun but it actually was. As most of you know I am an insomniac so working through the night is no big deal for me, and though it was damn cold, (dropping to about 2 above zero), it is always so much fun to be on a set.

One of the highlights for me was having to drive a car with a camera mounted on the bonnet. I didn't have to go too far, just around the parking lot, but it was tremendously silly and fun.
On the left here is what I had to look through while driving. It was a little daunting but then I figured the Director and Crew wouldn't actually allow me to drive into a wall so I just drove and the second the 1stAD shouted "cut" I would hit the brakes.
Like I said before, it is a very silly job.

Check out what it looks like with the full gear mounted and the car moving.

So that was Wednesday and Thursday night last week.
Back in Cape Town now and it seems the beautiful weather vanished the second I landed, oh well, Winter it is...bring it on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my god! I WAS THERE! You guys were in the petrol station on the corner of Northumberland and HAns Strydom!

I rode past as you lot were filming and nearly crashed coz I wanted to see what you were up to.


Oh, it's Bernadine by the way, you're publishing me in the next issue of your mag.